Facial Stretch Therapy
Achieve optimal flexibility, strength, performance, and pain relief.
About FST
Level 3 FST Certified Therapist
Fascial Stretch Therapy (or FST) is a very different approach developed by Ann and Chris Frederick: Stretch to Win - Fascial Stretch Therapy is a neuromyofascial manual therapy that focuses on the connective tissue system rather than isolated muscle treatment.
We assess passive, active, and resisted movements in functional positions as well as on the treatment table. The approach starts with assessment and treatment where needed at the deepest part of the connective tissue system - the joint capsule. It progresses through all the layers of fascia, ending with the superficial layer. Where the central or peripheral nervous system is restricted or not optimal in movement, proper neural mechanics is restored.
Muscles that were inhibited are activated while those that are over activated are normalized. Finally home program prescription follows so that the client/patient becomes an active partner on their journey to wellness or sport performance.

Stretch to Win
The art of manual therapy and movement merged with science.
Experience the non-aggressive, pain-free method of assisted stretching that is widely used by elite and professional athletes to enhance performance, prevent injuries and improve recovery. Fascial Stretch Therapy™ creates lasting change and dramatically improves your flexibility by decompressing your joints and unwinding the connective tissue.